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Star Member
Mar 21, 2014
Visa Office......
Abu Dhabi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Been 24 days...and still nothing at all. Waiting so anxiously.


Hero Member
Jul 20, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
18-03-2014 (Received as per tracking 21-03-2013)
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
MrJB said:
AOR received today.
Congrats MrJB! We are hoping for good news by the end of next week. Friday the 18th will be exactly 28 days :D

Too bad operry doesn't seem to be on here, it would have been nice to compare progress with someone applying though the same VO.


Hero Member
Aug 21, 2013
Regina, Saskatchewan
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
21-05-2014...#2 - 10-06-2014
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Additional tests requested on 05-06-2014
Med's Done....
Feb. 2014 & August 5th 2014
Passport Req..
24-MAR-2015...received at VO 6-APR-2015
Obronibini said:
Congrats MrJB! We are hoping for good news by the end of next week. Friday the 18th will be exactly 28 days :D

Too bad operry doesn't seem to be on here, it would have been nice to compare progress with someone applying though the same VO.
That's how I felt about ruddydurant. Only other one going through Mexico.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2011
No, I don't planning to move to Quebec. The plan is for the family and I to move just outside of Toronto. But congrats on those that have gotten their AOR, this wait is killing me.


Star Member
Apr 10, 2014
Visa Office......
Hong Kong
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Mar 11,2014
AOR Received.
Apr 9,2014
File Transfer...
Apr 28,2014
Med's Request
Apr 9,2014
Med's Done....
Apr 10,2014
Passport Req..
Aug 28,2014
Zarilenth said:
It looks like that email was your sponsorship approval, which means your application has been sent to the visa office that will process your application. If you can, get your hubby to read the whole letter - if you haven't done your medicals, it should have a note about it.

For example mine said:

"This refers to the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class you submitted to this office on behalf of 'hubby's name'.
You have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor. Accordingly, the Application for Permanent Residence for your relative(s) has been forwarded to a visa office abroad for further processing."
Then it listed the visa office it's going to. And then said:

An original Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B UPFRONT) signed by a Panel Physician or an E-Medical Up-front Medical Notification information sheet has not been provided. Your relative(s) must complete the medical and once completed forward this information directly to the visa office noted above along with a copy of this letter. Your application has been transferred to the visa office noting this deficiency. Your relative must also forward the medical information directly to the visa office (CPP OTTAWA) to allow continued processing of his/her application. Failure to do so will result in delays and possible refusal of your relative's application.

That is the important part. You then need to do your medical (as soon as possible if you can) and send in the e-medical sheet you will get when you go to a CIC approved panel physician, along with a copy of your Sponsorship Approval letter that your hubby got in his email account.
yes we got the exactly the same letter as yours,im going to the med check now:)


Star Member
Apr 10, 2014
Visa Office......
Hong Kong
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Mar 11,2014
AOR Received.
Apr 9,2014
File Transfer...
Apr 28,2014
Med's Request
Apr 9,2014
Med's Done....
Apr 10,2014
Passport Req..
Aug 28,2014
just got back from med check and got the police cert,just being anxious the post from the police office and med center are going to be missed..im just too anxious

btw, the med center said they will send my med record to cic and gave me a print out,the so called IMM1017b,they said the actual 1017b is not more exists,and it was for the old procedure with hand writing on it and now its more systematic and they print out a paper with my personal information,and photo and what text i did today(no result yet),so both of us are sending stuff to cic

cant wait!! ;D


Champion Member
Feb 14, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
App. Filed.......
Mar 05-2014
I am getting the folowing message, while accessing the Spreadsheet, Admins please help.

File is in owner's trash
You won't be able to access this file soon.
If you still need access, please download it or copy and paste its contents.


Hero Member
Aug 21, 2013
Regina, Saskatchewan
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
21-05-2014...#2 - 10-06-2014
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Additional tests requested on 05-06-2014
Med's Done....
Feb. 2014 & August 5th 2014
Passport Req..
24-MAR-2015...received at VO 6-APR-2015
Kan_Sri said:
I am getting the folowing message, while accessing the Spreadsheet, Admins please help.
I just opened it no problem but Zarilenth is the technical owner. I'll check the permissions when I get to work in about an hour. Unless O_guy gets here. I'm on a tablet right now and have problems editing and stuff so I have to wait until I'm at work.


Star Member
Jun 7, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Congrats on the few SA and AORs this week!

It's been a week since my AOR and still no SA :( I'm checking my email & ECAS like a crazy person!

Since we're all about to start this process together, I was thinking perhaps we should introduce ourselves a little? You know, like what our story is, what our plans are for Canada, etc.

I'll go first! :)

I'm from Calgary! But I have only lived there off and on in the last couple of years, as I was travelling a lot. Almost 3 years ago I went to Syria just as tourist, and met my husband (the first day!) We got married, and have been living in Damascus ever since. Originally we wanted to stay here, but the situation has been getting worse and worse and worse. Finally, last fall we decided we wanted to make the move. It took us a LOT longer than we thought to get all the paperwork together (trying to get some from Canada, and some from my husband's village).

We are hoping for a quick process, and I'm interested to see if the government will stick to it's word that it's expediting Syrian Family class paperwork. If not, let this be a good example that we need immigration reform! Seriously, those applying in Singapore are expected to wait 36 MONTHS living apart from their spouse? That's ridiculous!

Anyways, when we get to Canada I want to go back to university, and my husband wants to try and complete his studies there (he studies engineering here). I'm hoping to make it work in Vancouver, but we'll have to see where we'll be able to go to University.

So, hi!

What about you guys?


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
23-06-2014; COPR received 27-06-2014
Kan_Sri said:
I am getting the folowing message, while accessing the Spreadsheet, Admins please help.
Oops, sorry lol. Was cleaning up my drive, didn't know that affected the file. Sorry! Should be fixed now.


Champion Member
Feb 14, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
App. Filed.......
Mar 05-2014
I can open it now! Thank you!


agarand8 said:
I just opened it no problem but Zarilenth is the technical owner. I'll check the permissions when I get to work in about an hour. Unless O_guy gets here. I'm on a tablet right now and have problems editing and stuff so I have to wait until I'm at work.


Hero Member
Aug 21, 2013
Regina, Saskatchewan
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
21-05-2014...#2 - 10-06-2014
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Additional tests requested on 05-06-2014
Med's Done....
Feb. 2014 & August 5th 2014
Passport Req..
24-MAR-2015...received at VO 6-APR-2015
My story;

at 20/21 I was having trouble deciding what I wanted to do with my life. I had been taking university classes but was switching faculties every semester and finally just decided that until I knew what I wanted to do I was just wasting my time and money. I dropped out and decided I wanted to travel somewhere and do some voluntourism. I was looking looking looking on the web and finally found an animal sanctuary in rural Costa Rica. I went there for 3 months in winter 2011.

The animal sanctuary turned out to mostly be a sham run by this delusional Texan woman who cared more about her next high than the animals, and it was much more of a small zoo than it was a sanctuary. BUT I met Gerald in the first couple weeks of being in Costa Rica. He eventually moved into my hotel room with me and we were together every day until I had to go back to Canada. I was not very smart about money and ended up racking up a lot of debt while I was down there and so I had to work my ass off during our long distance relationship of 2 years to pay down all of the debt. I visited once, 6 months after I left. We applied for a TRV the following spring but were denied. I started planning the wedding in August 2012. Last May I travelled to Costa Rica with the intent to live there long term. We had a big wedding in June, and a honeymoon and then we went back to normal life. We found a place of our own to rent and I did my best to find a job but my savings dwindled slowly down and it became clear, very quickly, that living in Costa Rica just wasn't going to be viable.

August 2013 was when I first started the paperwork. Everything was ready to go by the end of September and we travelled to the capital to get Geralds medical done. Well on the chest X-ray, they "found something" and everything was put on hold. We continued having tests through private health care, which really blew through our money, and then finally we were able to get a referral to a specialist in the public health care system and the rest of the tests and appointments were free besides the travel that we had to pay for ourselves. It took until November for him to get back a diagnosis of Tuberculosis. He started treatment immediately. The immigration doctor advised us in December that because we went back to the public health system we needed to provide him with copies of every test done through that system, a letter detailing the diagnosis and referral to our local clinic for treatment, and also a letter from the local clinic detailing every tiny aspect of Geralds treatment. The doctor then finally submitted these documents with his report to CIC in February and included a note that once the treatment is completed we will redo a chest xray and the spewtum tests to prove that the tuberculosis is gone and send those results as an update. This is due to happen in May.

So after all of that i should add that I became pregnant also in November! and the healthcare in our rural community being what it was, and our finances being almost completely demolished, I returned to Canada after christmas. I work here now until the baby comes and then I will be able to go on MAT leave and return to Costa Rica with the baby. We sent our application at the end of March and I am hopeful that he will have his Visa in hand before my MAT leave is complete so that when I come back to Canada, I can bring him with me.

Right now I am 7 months pregnant and unfortunately Gerald will miss the birth and the first couple months of the babys' life but I am confident that if anything in our application was even remotely questionable we will have the baby and that will be the cincher on our application. I should add that we have some things against us like a 13 year age difference, Gerald doesn't speak any english, and where I have some university he has only his grade 5 (and it's pretty common for someone his age down there, most of the men in the community quit school at grade 5/6).

So that's me, we have been through a lot, I can only hope that we can finally start our regular life together in Canada by next summer sometime.


Star Member
Jun 7, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
agarand8 said:
Right now I am 7 months pregnant and unfortunately Gerald will miss the birth and the first couple months of the babys' life but I am confident that if anything in our application was even remotely questionable we will have the baby and that will be the cincher on our application. I should add that we have some things against us like a 13 year age difference, Gerald doesn't speak any english, and where I have some university he has only his grade 5 (and it's pretty common for someone his age down there, most of the men in the community quit school at grade 5/6).

So that's me, we have been through a lot, I can only hope that we can finally start our regular life together in Canada by next summer sometime.
This is why we need some immigration reform! Why are we being scrutinized for marrying someone who has a different educational background than us, or who is in a different age range? The CIC's version of a "legitimate" marriage is pretty conservative. What if you married a significantly older man who was well educated and super rich? Why wouldn't that raise any red flags?

My husband is a Muslim, and I'm an Atheist. Also, we didn't have a wedding. Is that SO wild in this day in age? Blech.

Anyways, I liked your story! Hopefully all goes well with your application, and you're new family (congrats!) will all be together soon.

Do you speak Spanish? I would assume if you do, the language difference wouldn't be so important..?


Hero Member
Aug 21, 2013
Regina, Saskatchewan
Visa Office......
Mexico City
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
21-05-2014...#2 - 10-06-2014
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Additional tests requested on 05-06-2014
Med's Done....
Feb. 2014 & August 5th 2014
Passport Req..
24-MAR-2015...received at VO 6-APR-2015
angryrectangle said:
This is why we need some immigration reform! Why are we being scrutinized for marrying someone who has a different educational background than us, or who is in a different age range? The CIC's version of a "legitimate" marriage is pretty conservative. What if you married a significantly older man who was well educated and super rich? Why wouldn't that raise any red flags?

My husband is a Muslim, and I'm an Atheist. Also, we didn't have a wedding. Is that SO wild in this day in age? Blech.

Anyways, I liked your story! Hopefully all goes well with your application, and you're new family (congrats!) will all be together soon.

Do you speak Spanish? I would assume if you do, the language difference wouldn't be so important..?
Yes, I speak Spanish. I don't think it is so important for the genuinity of our relationship, but I was thinking about the stuff in the news about potentially enforcing minimum language requirements on new immigrants. Shouldn't negatively affect our application but it doesn't work in our favor either.


Star Member
Jun 7, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
SA! Yaaaay! Finally :)

Somebody update me on the spreadsheet!