I got an approval email from CIC today morning. You guys have no idea how I jumped from my seat once I got the email. This day will surely be tatooed on my small brain for many days !
I am really thankful to all the members here on this group and would like to add that you guys unknowingly are helping hundreds and thousands of students who dream of going to Canada for their higher studies.
Though I had never asked or started any thread to get help from the people active on this forum but reading the experiences shared by the other members was more than enough for me to bypass the consultant route and apply for study permit by myself (though I did a lot of research on the CIC website)
Though getting a visa doesnt entitle me to answer any questions regarding study permit as am no expert. But I can still help to share my experiences which I went through while applying for a visa.
Thank you again everyone as you have been that silent angels who have been guiding me through the whole lengthy process.