Manitoba PNP is closing for the graduate from other province.
But the students studying in Manitoba can still apply under MPNP.
First Nova scotia and now Manitoba , What's happening ??

Students from outside Manitoba, please note:
International Students from other Canadian provinces are not eligible. However, you may be eligible to apply to the MPNP if you have been working in Manitoba for at least six months (with a valid work permit), your employer has offered you a full-time, long-term job, and you demonstrate a connection to Manitoba (stronger than any connection to have to another part of Canada) and the sincere intention to establish yourself and your career in Manitoba as a permanent resident.
But the students studying in Manitoba can still apply under MPNP.
First Nova scotia and now Manitoba , What's happening ??
Students from outside Manitoba, please note:
International Students from other Canadian provinces are not eligible. However, you may be eligible to apply to the MPNP if you have been working in Manitoba for at least six months (with a valid work permit), your employer has offered you a full-time, long-term job, and you demonstrate a connection to Manitoba (stronger than any connection to have to another part of Canada) and the sincere intention to establish yourself and your career in Manitoba as a permanent resident.