heloo everyone
plz help me .im from india
i hve done two year i.t.i course(industrial training institute) in elecrtician trade .after secondry school. wht is my quellifaction according to expression of intresT(M.P.N.P) 1. formal trade certifacte
2.two year postsecondry certifacte
i hve done all study in india
what is my education score plz help me
plz help me .im from india
i hve done two year i.t.i course(industrial training institute) in elecrtician trade .after secondry school. wht is my quellifaction according to expression of intresT(M.P.N.P) 1. formal trade certifacte
2.two year postsecondry certifacte
i hve done all study in india
what is my education score plz help me