I was curious to find out what is the lowest possible score for somebody who has a job offer backed by LMIA. It turns out that, unless I'm mistaken, this score is as low as 624. That is because the Skilled Trades program doesn't have pretty much any requirements apart from a job offer. The acceptable language proficiency levels are CLB 4 for reading and writing and CLB 5 for speaking and listening, which translates to the following IELTS marks: 5 listening, 3.5 reading, 4.0 writing, 5.0 speaking. This level of English proficiency gives 6*4=24 points (with or without spouse, makes no difference). And... that's it. No education requirements, pretty much no age restrictions. There is also a requirement to have at least 2 years of foreign experience, but it doesn't necessarily give any points under EE, because skill transferability factors require education, or good first language proficiency, or Canadian work experience, all of which are optional.