I sent it our application with Fedex, since it was during the Canada Post strike last year. The application was sizeable enough (lots of photos, etc) that the person who sent it for me recommended I split it up into two boxes: one for the photos and one for the documents. Turns out it was a mistake, because although Fedex said they correctly delivered both boxes, CPC-M contacted me and said they'd lost the box with the documents and could only find the one with the photos. I get the impression they're not very organized there and just store things willy-nilly in their warehouse. That, and apparently the two boxes were sent on different vehicles. (Lesson learned: use one box.) Anyway, I ended up playing telephone tag with a guy at the CPC-M warehouse trying to help him figure out where the other box was. I also got my MP's office on the case, and they recommended that we wait a bit to let them have the time to sort things out on their own before he called to intervene. Turns out he was right: the day I was going to call him back, I got an email from CPC-M saying they had received our application.
Another relevant detail in your case is that the guy at the warehouse—apologetic as he was—assured me that the delay wouldn't affect the processing time, and that they'd reserve a place for it in the processing queue, so that even if it took a lot of time to find the application, they'd treat it as if the delay had never happened. As well, I learned that as long as the police reports, medical reports, etc. are valid as of the date the package was sent, they'll still be accepted for the purpose of processing, so even if it were to spend a few months in the warehouse we wouldn't be penalized.
sunrise9's suggestion is spot on; you have a right to know what's going on, especially when it's past the posted processing time. Hope you get an answer soon!