mayank_6 said:
@ Vivek
Can u recommend whether I should go for Business related course or should remain to IT only as I have work exp for 2+ year in Software Organization .
I have come to know that VO might raise his eyebrows if I go for Business related PG Diploma Course of 2 year as i have B.Tech in Electronics
Hi Mayank,
I am in a similar situation as yours. I have done B.E. in Elec. & Comm. I have about six years of experience in IT, and it has been all technical stuff for me. Now I don't want to continue working in IT. I wish to move to a business related field like marketing.
Now it depends completely on what your ulimate goal is? Is it just to gain PR or change your career track?
If you want just PR, then go for IT related course of 1 year/2 years and then work in a skilled job and finally apply for PR. Almost every province in canada has PNP for international students. Otherwise there is Canadian Experience class for International Students and Temporary Foreign workers. You can apply in anyone whose criteria you meet.
I assume that if you have background in IT and do an IT related course, it might become a bit easier to get a job.
On the other hand if you want to change your career track to business field, then MBA is the best option. But yes, geting into a good B school is not a cakewalk. You need very good academics, GMAT score of over 650 (700+ for top B schools), a solid profile with good work experience(3+ years), extra curriculars etc. And ofcourse it would be expensive to pursure MBA from any of the top B schools.
For me also, getting into a good B School is a distant dream as of now. So I thought of going for a graduate certificate program of 2 years (so that I get 3 years PGWP). And I believe 5 years is good time to establish yourself.
Now geting a visa for a business related Graduate Certificate in a college could be tough. But on the other hand I feel that if we go for a general business course instead of a specialized one (like GBM of Humber or Cenetinial), then geting a visa should not be very tough. I mean if you are a genuine student with good academics and seriously show an interest to pursue a business education (through SOP etc.) then, you might get a visa who knows..

. Well anyone can go for business education right?
But again, if you wanna go for PG certificate course, I would recommend to go for one in places like Toronto, because it would have more job opportunities. That's what I personally feel, but I may be wrong.
The choice is yours !!!