You are American so you do not need a tourist visa. You just come visit just like you have done before, multiple times. However, don't show up with all your stuff in a U-Haul because that is really asking for trouble

Also don't tell them you are planning on looking for a job.
You can get married in Canada. You need your passport, birth certificate and if you were married before, you need proof of divorce.
Finding a job and getting a work visa isn't always that easy. In order to hire a foreigner, the employer needs to apply for a labour market opinion (LMO), proving that the job was advertised for so-so long, that he is offering market wage and yet he couldn't find any qualified Canadians for the job. If Service Canada agrees, he gets the LMO and you can use it to apply for a work permit. It can be hard to find an employer who will apply for an LMO for you because it is a hassle for them and they know if it is easy for them to find Canadian staff, they will not get the LMO anyway.
If your job falls under NAFTA, see it is a bit easier. In that case, you just need a written job offer and you can apply for your work permit at the border, no LMO required.
After you are married, the husband should apply to sponsor you and your daughter for PR. If you plan on staying in Canada throughout the processing time, you can apply inland and if you apply for an open work permit at the same time, you could get it in about 6 months. If you plan to travel to the US or go back and forth, you should apply outland which means no open work permit but you will have your PR a bit faster than with inland. In order to apply for your daughter, I am assuming that she is not his child, you have to show that you have full custody of her or that her father approves of the immigration.