Dear All forum members,

I am very happy to inform that finally after 101 days of Medicals today I have received

RPRF & PPR1 with Almighty Allah Blessings. Now wait for PPR2 begins..............
Just few quick questions if some senior members can please answer asap.
I have just paid RPRF online through the link provided, after the payment confirmation it says please print two copies, so I have printed two copies.
Now my questions are:
1: on the payment receipt do I need to fill the rest of details i.e., Client date of birth, Client ID, Address, Telephone etc? if yes whose details ? principal applicant ? As i used spouse card and her name is on receipt.
YES you have to fill-up all the details and YES use the principal applicants detail
2: How I need to sent the receipt? email or postal?
I did both...replied to the email with all the required documents and send it also through postal
3: if Postal? then what address? as LVO website says address has been changed? but in the email I have received the address is still old which is 38 Grosvenor street?
the same address that was on the instruction...there is somebody who received from the old address and maybe he forwarded to the new one
4: PPR1: asking for bio pages only: so do I just need to send 1st page of passports?
YES just the first page with pictures and all your details
urgent response from senior members and specially from LVO members those have sent RPRF or passports etc recently.
Thank You very much in advance.