Assalam u alaikum everyone...first of all Eid Mubarak to everyone here....
secondly congratulations to all lovely ppl here who got update...wasnt visiting the forum but i was so eager to come back...
congratulations AK, Mahyn, ashsal...n everyone else...sorry for forgetting other names...
And i have an update ...

Alhumdulillah by the Mercy of Allah swt we received
PPR2 on Eid daye which made our Eid even more special...
Alhumdulillah.....i see tht LVO is workin hard in july and inshaAllah everyone else waiting r going to hear within days like fmujeeb, luqi,rawdah, mabmab...inshAllah...
Will be submitting passports soon...i request all to pray for our settlement in canada soon