rawdah said:
Alhamdulillah congrats
Happy for you
thank u rawdah...good luck to u...u r doing good job here n on fb group!
jigzyy said:
Amazing news Maria_Sal. The news you've been waiting for months now. Alhumdulillah. I still remember your post when you sent your docs to CIO and cooked "Biryani". Another round of Biryani for forum members perhaps ? ;D
BTW, Scan and attach documents to same email. That'll be enough.
Haha i cant believe u remember this..thanks...sure u all r invited this time for iftar n biryani

wht a time it was...papers papers all over the room...and my daughter scribbled on my hubby's original certificate in the mess
Aceim said:
zabardast news !!! finally long wait ended.........congratulations !!
really its been so long...thank u so much....
addy34 said:
thank uuuuu
EMEI said:
Thanks a lot!!
hila01 said:
Congratulations Maria_Sal.
Thank u so much
mish said:
Today i have said u ..JAO JAO JAO..and got true today..
Very very happy for u
Haha...yeha ur Jao Jao Jao worked for me today...n will also work for farhan today inshaAllah
absarahmed85 said:
Many Many Congrats (Mubroooooookkkk) Maria.....At last after a long wait you have been paid with Success. Allhumdollilah. Wish you safe and successful landing in Canada. Wish you best of luck for your and your family future...Please pray for all of us who are waiting. May Allah also bless us with success in this month of Ramadan. Ameen
oh yes it was so long wait...initially when i got MR in jan i never expected ppr will come so late..but Ulhumdulillah

inshaAllah LVO is winding up fsw 2013 applicants now..u r going to hear very soon..
mabmabs said:
Congratulation Jigzyy & Maria_sal.
Good Luck for your future endevour !!!
thank u so much...
Soundless said:
Congratulations Maria and jigzyy, for some reasons i was sure every time I come to check the forum that I would read such update.
Wishing you guys best of wishes in the rest of process
thank u so much...we started with same dates but had different timelines...
luqi said:
Wow congratulations dear.
thank u...

u r going to hear this month too inshaAllah...
awai ali said:
O man ............i cannot express my happiness for you ........... ;D........its a big news of today .................
hehe yes thank u...i wont come for crying on the forum anymore...inshaAllah
zeetheboss said:
Congrats jigzyy and maria_sal ;D
Mrs.Faisal said:
no such words to say to congrats Maria
a shower of congrats and thanks to Allah who made u happy after such a long wait
Thank u so much Mrs. Faisal...certainly...Allah swt ka shukar hai...
pharmacistfarhan said:
Many congratulations Maria.......pray for me..
thank u farhan bro...today is ur day to celeberate inshaAllah
MM2 said:
MashAllah...... I am very happy to see your PPR.... good luck for the life ahead....
thank u MM2...ur words came true for me...jazakAllah khair
freddy2147 said:
Congrats Maria, it was a long awaited update. Wish you all the best for your landing and stay in Canada, so happy for u
thank u freddy...yeha was refreshing emails since january...thanks a lot...
ashif_eee said:
msaeed said:
Dear Maria
Masha Allah , Mubarik
I wish all the best for you and your family in days to come.
I am happy for you
Stay Blessed
thank u saeed bhai u have been very supportive all this time...n always called me back from hibernation
CAnalyst said:
What a great news to start the day with... Many congratulations to you and your family.
thank u ...please pray for our future settlement...
AK2147 said:
Happy fo rjigzyy and Maria!!! wish you guys a good luck
thanks AK