Hey guys !
Finally I have received an Email from LVO; not the content I was hoping for, but so far so good.
The officer requested:
updated Schedule A
updated additional family information
PCC from Saudi Arabia
Military exemption certificate for spouse.
My queries are:
1- For PCC, it is mentioned to wait for the mailed forms, I am pretty stressed that they would arrive late or get lost!
Is it acceptable to request the Saudi PCC through my embassy ? to save time !
How long does it take to get the results of PCC ?
If you are going to apply through Saudi Embassy in your current country of residence may be it would take more than 60 days. I would suggest that if you have some friend living in Saudi Arabia, have your KSA PCC processed through him. You can find lot of threads on our forum pertinent to obtain KSA PCC. My post can also be referred however that was for Pakistani Citizen living in Bahrain.
Trust this will suffice.
2- For the additional family information, my father-in-law got married and now my husband has new step brothers as well as a half brother !
I am torn between mentioning the new information that it might lengthen the background check again!
and ignoring the new update as we actually live in another country and chances are these new additions are out of our reach.
It is imperative to note that info related to step brothers/sisters half brother step and adopted children etc should be mentioned in the forms as it asks the same clearly. Moreover if you have moved to another country and would not like to update LVO, then how you gonna send your passports for visa stamping in you old country of residence? You see it raises other concerns as well like what is your status in current country of residence......?
In my view, you should do your job i.e. update them to the best of your knowledge and belief, and let them do their job (Whatever S/C or BGCs etc. they do).
Please buddies, share your thoughts ! the clock is ticking
Cheers !