Congrats to all who got their PPR and even visa issued, Good luck to all of us who are waiting for the PPR Insha Allah we aill all get it soon.......

hi ArshadAliArshadAli said:dear all,can u ppl tell me how many ppl got job verification and after how much time after sending their full documents
Hi Im kinda in the same boat as you. I received mine in June and then did the medical in July. Sent on 30/07/2010. Did you apply to the london office?fernendez said:Medical request was in July, medicals done and sent on 10/08/10. Still waiting for Visa letter.
hirag61180 said:is any got request for PPR ?
after submitted medical last june
please update details
come on london chc
hi anwar............please add me to the list..........good luck to everyone........anwar77m said:Name Medical request Medical done PPR Visa issued
Siawo 13-02- 2010 15- 03-2010 13-11 -2010 09-12- 2010
KShahid 05- 01- 2010 02-09- 2010
Oh!CANADA 08- 03- 2010 14-04- 2010 &
19-07- 2010
sherin0621 25- 03- 2010 15-04- 2010
Humanist 21- 04- 2010 14-05- 2010 10-12 -2010
rag61180 14- 06- 2010 22-06- 2010 16-12 -2010
Nomi2012 15- 06- 2010 28-06- 2010
ANFAL 20- 06- 2010 28-06- 2010
JLT 00- 06- 2010 00-06- 2010
Sihs 01- 07- 2010 14-07- 2010
fernendez 00- 07- 2010 10-08- 2010
Zagy 06- 07- 2010 12-08- 2010
dee_2011 27- 07- 2010 28-08- 2010
obho0001 05- 08- 2010 17-08- 2010
Chintu 12- 08- 2010 01-10- 2010
Satish 20- 08- 2010 15-09- 2010
yeydme 23- 08- 2010 30-09- 2010
people 25- 08- 2010 09-10- 2010
Bugsnette 26- 08- 2010 05-10- 2010
Farhad 01- 09- 2010 15-09- 2010
Eng.M 07- 09- 2010 05-10- 2010
anwar 77m 08- 09- 2010 27-09- 2010
Danjo 10- 09- 2010 30-09- 2010
Mickey690 10- 09- 2010 07-10- 2010
goodwill 20- 10- 2010 15-11- 2010
SASIF 27- 10- 2010 23-11- 2010
phmagdi 09- 11- 2010 28-11- 2010
Adding goodwill
good luck ;D