Ioftenyell said:
If that is true, what would be the purpose of nominating candidates whose WP are expiring soon? Being sent an ITA for OINP will not guarantee the extension of a say, Post Graduation Work Permit. Candidate will have to leave the country and perhaps not even making it.
It seems like perhaps you have some info that I do not have. Care to explain please?
OINP is nominating candidates with expiring work permits, makes full sense as they are already there, already working, already contributing to the economy... if the WP expires they have to vacate and go back to home country, then reapply... makes it much harder for them. I'm a FSW outland candidate, and i fully support this.
regarding the original question "By the same token what about those whose work permits have already expired. Their lives have already been interrupted and disrupted and not only that but their careers have come to a halt, specially the ones who are still in Canada on a visitor or a student status. So if these candidates are nominated as quickly if not before they can get their ITAs, get the residence and get their lives on track.
Candidates who have valid work permits don't have their careers halted since their status hasn't expired.
What is the logic here!?
Candidates whose PGWPs have expired most likely also came to the country before."
firstly i would like to mention that i have limited knowledge of the PGWP thingy, but from what i understand its 2 years masters, then 2 years WP subject to whatever conditions they lay out... correct me if i'm wrong here
what i dont understand is why is your life suddenly distrupted or interrupted, or whatver you want to call it?? did OINP promise and say we will nominate you, we will get your PR done, BEFORE you applied and came to the country on student visa ? i highly doubt it... i remember wehn i went to the UK on masters a few years back, we were told that after completing masters, we "may" get 2 yr work permit, and half of them ending up not getting a permit, and had to return back... the other half worked for 2 years, permits expired, then they came back... no one was told that you will get PR, no one was told that you will be nominated blah blah... thats just what you had signed up for. No one promised anything
OK lets say your work permit was about to expire, and you were waiting for OINP nomination, if you didnt get nomination before your WP expired, thats just unfortunate. but you should have bugged and called and faxed and emailed them saying my application is about to expire, please help... they have taken special requests like that before... but if it didnt work, its unfortunate... but let me repeat again - NO ONE promised you a nomination or PR before you came to the country....
and i absolutely, completely cannot understand the logic of people staying back AFTER work permit is over, on student visa, on visit visa... or whatever... when you came to the country on student visa, did you not tell them that you will LEAVE the country after the work permit or course is completed ?? of course you did... otherwise they wouldnt give you a visa inthe first place... OK i can understand most people dont want to go back to home country, particularly if you have taken $1000s of loans, but you cant blame them if things didnt work out the way you planned... yet again i want to remind you - nothing was promised before.
just to give you my example, i work in dubai, been here for 6+ years... i know even if i work here for 1000 years, or if i marry a local and have children, own 100 lands, i will still not get citizenship or passport... i know as soon as i resign or get fired, i have to either find a new job, or packup my bags and go back home...
now i cant blame them and say i have been here 1000 years, i know the language and people, i was born here, why are they not giving me citizenship or rights.. becoz when i came to this country, i know EXACTLY what i was getting myself into... whether its fair or not is a different matter altogether, but no promises were made, i knew what the deal was... and thats that.... my $0.02