Thanks! What i am worried about is 3 things:
1. How big a chance is there of them rejecting my application?
2. Uf they reject and i have to restore, do i HAVE TO restore worker status or can i switch to visitor? (I dont have to work if its more difficult to restore work status than visitor)
3. What does an application to resyore worker dtatus require and how risky is it? If they reject, can i apply for visitor status or do i have to leave Canada?
1. How big a chance is there of them rejecting my application?
2. Uf they reject and i have to restore, do i HAVE TO restore worker status or can i switch to visitor? (I dont have to work if its more difficult to restore work status than visitor)
3. What does an application to resyore worker dtatus require and how risky is it? If they reject, can i apply for visitor status or do i have to leave Canada?