Believe me, if CBSA gets a wild hair up their ass, you will NOT cross the border as just a 'visitor' each day after work.
That being said, I used the Ambassador Bridge almost EVERY DAY. They gave me a major hassle up until my marriage and my sponsorship paperwork was filed. I too had a nexus card, but it finally got processed very shortly after my marriage and sponsorship paperwork was taken care of.
One way I have found that they won't give you nearly as much a hassle. Get a visitor record put into your passport. You won't necessarily need a nexus card any longer, and they will know you are living with your wife and working in the states and SHOULD give you relatively easy access back and forth across the border between the two. I was able to get my visitor record in CBSA immigration at the Detroit/Windsor crossing by showing my marriage certificate, then for my extension my paid/applied for Sponsorship paperwork.