The dream that steal by time, I have a dream, a dream for my family...a greener pasture. A life we can share with all the members of family, not alone not by two people but a family that will cherish forever. Coming to Canada put my key to it's door to my Dream .., leaving my wife my growing kids , showing to them to sacrifice my absence for this moves are for them...UNFAIR for them , feeling guilty not having them for along time..I feel it to my eldest son and this is not the way that I want in molding a family, I've been raised by a simple family, easy life but perfect happiness, I start my Family simple, leaving in a small town but we are together to share daily chore , in toughness and in happiness. Life is not that hard as long as we are all intact , it is really hard to be away with your love ones , the day I decided to work in Canada is a tough one for me...but there is always hope ...I just put it in mind that this is just a challenge..but every move there is always obstacles..hoping after 2 years as caregiver I can say I am free for my obligation.... ‘'those did not happened.....HARDWORK , PATIENCE, longingness are with me side by side, ... I can't hold all this 3 words anymore after months of my application for permanent residence...My life getting worst everyday...Lots of things happening..this long processing times is steeling my dream for my family...we are human being, we have also feeling same with the other people in Canada, may you are a born citizen, an immigrant citizen or temporary worker, we are the same. But this immigration system not treating us as Human being...I thought Canada has this humanitarian system but I am wrong..I fell it ..they treating us temporary worker as sore eyes of society, we are paying taxes same as “citizens” and “immigrants”. But the government is not giving us EQUAL privileges....IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL HUMAN ACT???...we're is the real CANADA ? OH CANADA you break my heart , you steel my family..may Love..my DREAM for my family... WHY is it this government is having a hard time in approving live-in caregiver applicants for permanent residence? Why applicants with dependant have different processing times with single applicant? Why we still have to wait for months and years in order to have PR status even though we already work 2 years before they accept application? WHY WHY WHY????.....my dream is vanishing because of long processing time...........PLEASE PRIME MINISTER HARPER AND MINISTER JASON KENNEY..help us to build a right path..WE WANT A FASTER APPOVAL FOR LIVE-IN CAREGIVER PERMANENT RESIDENCE APPLICANT.