Thank you very much Christine,Ying, and BOYZONE!!!!!!!

Hope you guys all doing well and thanks again for being with me within IMM issues by cheering me up all the time.

Its not over yet but regardless that point i strongly feel I have got very nice friends.

Hope things will be easier on us, Cheer up!!!
Btw, me and my kids are being flood sufferers.
My place is flooded the day before and yesterday twice.
Some constuctions going on in front of the house for fixing the drainage system by city hall and labor workers from the insurance company are working on inside the house including packing our stuff. They say the renovation for the house will tak for 2 months.
Being you as a mother and a good provider for your kids makes me MORE to like you happy for the progress each day in your life and your kids after you received your owp..i can't wait to see in your next post saying.."Good Life Canada"..

Good luck SUPER MOM!!!! GOD BLESS!!!