job_seeker said:
Thank you EbonyIvory (Is it Cindy

) Good for you. Citizens of Korea do not need visas to enter Canada that was why you were able to bring your children in. It's very difficult and very different for citizens from countries who need visa to enter Canada. And if a parent or a spouse is working under the live in caregiver program or any low skilled jobs then the children and spouse are not granted visas.
Thanks job_seeker
I understand what you mean.
Actually i and my kids were international students in Canada before i enter to LCP.
It was not easy at all to me to get LIC visa at Seattle when i had a walk-in job interview eventhough im from one of the visa exempt countries.
I was asked to submit 3 more additional documents related to my kids and it ended up delaying procceing my application under LCP.
I know LIC is part of low skilled job and hard to support his/her kids in Canada with the wage.
I believe all VOs at Canadian Embassy abroad consider that point of view the most but i also believe it doesnt mean we cant bring our family from abroad.
To be approved any applications on LICs family members, I would say it depends on personal capability of supporting his/her dependants and VOs' satisfaction on the paper work regardless any countries of origin.