Vinish - The transportation from Vancouver to New West is very easy. You can take the train and it only takes about 20 mins. However New west is much cheaper for accomodations, so you may want to think of living in that area for convienance and cost. The cost of living between toronto and vancouver are quite similiar, I think Vancouver groceries are little less costly but rentals are about par. The weather is definately a factor. Vancouver is the mildest climate in Canada. We have lots of rain, it can dreary since its cloudy and rainy for 6 to 8 months of the year. However the temp is never below 0 even in the height of the winter. Toronto has very cold winters and very hot summers. Toronto is more of a metropolitan city, there is certianly more businesses, head offices and general ammentities than Vancouver. Vancouver is more of a large town and does not have a large city feel to it. So it really depends what you are looking for. Vancouver has a large indian population, so in that respect you would be able to find lots of products and services that you are use to back home as well.
Heskeyrex - I assume you mean BCIT

and yes its a very reputable school, especially for the IT sector. My IT rep is actually from Nigeria as well, he has been here for about 10 years now and started working for larger companies and then eventually started his own small business as an off site IT Rep, he has done quite well for him and his family. I honestly believe that you are in a field that is very employable and has an opportunity for emloyment. The other thing to remember is Canada has a high employment rate, so when you hear there are not a lot of jobs, this may differ from your perception. Our average unemployment rate is 7.2 %. so essentially only 7.2% of Canadians are unemployed, compared to most countries this is a drop in the barrel. You may not find high paying employment right away but hard work and determination goes a long way and is rewarded. I find the difference between a Canadian and an immigrant is that the Canadian will stay unemployed till they find something suitable. An immigrant feels blessed for the opportunities and gives that extra determination and if you do that you can always be employed. I have never been without out a job in the 19 years I have been here, they may not have been the best paying but there is plenty out there. But because of determination I am now an executive with no formal education just the drive to succeed and work hard.