Hi guys! I'm still going to apply for my Study Permit, but I've been in Toronto (multiple entry TRV) since April. Oh well, scratch that. I flew to the US in May and stayed for a month, went back to Canada in June. So... I've been here for four months, give or take. Going home (Manila!) in two weeks. Yipee!
I love it here. My sister and her family are PRs so I don't feel homesick at all (Eep! Sorry, Harpreet!

Hug your families tight before you leave your home country!
I arrived in Spring. It was a little bit chilly, still had flurries the day before I arrived! But then it became really hot. Summer. Boo.
It's getting a little chilly again, as fall is coming.
Oh, I love La Sani restaurant, in Ellesmere! Their butter chicken is really good. India's Taste (in Markham) also offers a good variety of dishes, buffet for only $11 I think!
(Saying this because many of you in the forum are from India)
Lastly, I got a Fido mobile plan for $45/month (approx $60, taxes included)
50 texts, 50 minutes of calls, 2 GB data (this was a promo, I think!)
No holding period (micro sim only), but required a connection fee of $35.
I had my iPhone 4s (from the Philippines) jailbroken at Pacific Mall (for $45).
Although I think Fido offers plans for like $25, but you'll get a normal phone for it.