viva99 said:
Im applying for a study permit. My brother and mother are sponsoring me. I got a sample of letter of undertaking but i wanted to know if i have to prepare 2 letters ? one for mom and another for bro? or can i just put it together in 1 letter?
and also i print the letter on normal paper or should be any particular letter head for their employer of anything?
For sponsorship you need;
1. One reference letter (good if it's on official letter head) showing,
- Sponsor occupation
- Relationship to you
- Number of dependent they have!
- Full Contact details.
- One letter from the Sponsor's employer (on a letter head) showing;
1. Employer contact details
2. Business address.
* In case your possible sponsor lives abroad thn you also need;
1. Passport copy with Visa status.
2. SIN number /Identity card, if any.
3. ITR details.
4. Bank statement
For your reference I quote one post of dadakoko, a member who secured visa based on two sponsorship. It's very useful.
"Hi All,
Enfield is it a claim if I have gotten the Visa?
Yes I got the Visa and yes I had sponsors from 2 countries but this is what I did:
a) I made sure I had the $10,000 needed for me the main sponsor and $4,000 for my spouse in my account for about 4 months.
b) I paid 1 year Tuition fees.
c) My Admission letter stated that I would need about $29,000 for 1 year. I therefore made sure I had about $15,000 in addition to the amount in (a) above to make the $29,000.
d) My sponsors sent in their letter of sponsorship as well as 6 months bank statements and other relevant investments documents. They also sent in their Visa status in the respective countries of residence.
In addition to the above of course I added, my SOP and other relevant documents.
Yes you can use sponsors from any where in the world as far as you can prove relationship and ensure the required monies are in your account. That is what I did!"
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