Well, THAT was an informative conversation with J. at the Call Centre! Contrary to what I was told on Friday by another person at the Call Centre...you put in ONE APPLICATION TO CIO containing all docs requested on CIO and Appendix A, no duplication of pages. He could not explain why the CIO checklist stated "copy" under format for #12, and reiterated that you do not send another application to VO at later date. So whatever originals, photocopies, notarized copies requested in those two checklists is what you provide. CIO checks for completeness, fees, eligibility for processing. If OK, applicant receives an assessment email on how to contact their VO if needed and CIO sends file and complete paperwork to the specified VO.
Dr. H: Passports to be photocopied, ALL PAGES, no need to be notarized unless it ASKS for it in checklist.
Hope this helps us all.