ZYXWVU98 said:
JoeYYC, please do not mislead applicants from other provinces. applicant from Ontario do not get preferential treatment. I am from Ontario, my citizenship case already lasted more than 31 months and still waiting. not 14 months you have mentioned. as far as I am aware of, st Claire office in Toronto also has severe backlog. walitys is from that office. he waited 36 months and filed mandamus.
I am not misleading applicants.
Lets categorize applications:
Post-test RQs; which are further divided into: a) RQs who have the old RQ format (CIT 0171) and applications were filed in 2011 or before: those are taking very long to process their applications,
regardless of the province; and yes, Ontario is no different from other provinces. b) RQs who have CIT 0171 and applications were filed in 2012 and after. The processing time for those applications are shorter in Ontario than any other province and the citizenship timeline sheet in the other forum proves it. c) RQs who got the new RQ format (CIT 520) and those application are normally processed very fast after the test. But the problem for Mississauga and Scarborough is that applications need only 7-9 months to get to that level, then test followed by CIT 520, which is processed very fast, assuming no problem in the application, then oath. While for other provinces, they need > 20 moths to get to the test, then CIT 520 which is also processed fast then oath; so you can compare less than 9 months to reach the test in Mississauga, Scarborough and other Ontario offices, with >20 months to reach the test in other provinces. And many RQs nowadays fall in this category.
Pre-test RQs; here those applications are sub-categorized into: a) Applicants in 2011 and before with CIT 0171 and those have slow processing time but still faster than post-test RQs, AND Mississauga and Scarborough, and other Ontario offices in general are way faster than other provinces. b) Applications in 2012 and after, with CIT 0171; those applications are way faster for Scarborough and Mississauga, ON than other provinces, and also faster than pre-test RQs, which were filed in 2011 and before and also faster than post-test RQs. c) Applications in 2013 and after with CIT 520 and those are the fastest for all RQs within the same office. But still Mississauga and Scarborough, and Ontario offices in general are faster than any other province.
So, my remarks were generally about new applications rather than old ones where the difference between Ontario with other provinces is striking; nevertheless, if you compared Mississauga, Scarborough, and the rest of Ontario under the same subcategory that I mentioned with other provinces, you can see that Ontario is way faster.
Here, one should ask, why in the world Ontario, which is fully packed with immigrants, has very fast processing times compared to other provinces if you cramped the same subcategories for those offices, with the ones outside Ontario. And the difference between Ontario processing time with other provinces for new applications is staggering. However, the rest of Canada and especially the prairies, which are a conservative heartland, has very slow applications, again if you compared the same sub-category for those offices with Ontario? It seems that conservatives have no political motive to change the landscape in their heartland, while they have all the interest in appeasing immigrants in swinging ridings.
[Edit] Regardless, this is not the purpose of the topic. The purpose is, any citizenship applicant whose application is taking very long time to be processed, should file for Mandamus. Because, CIC has an obligation to process our applications in a timely manner. The processing times for citizenship is unacceptable to a modern country like Canada.
Just my two cents.