Seriously I really want this pr thing, however this express entry and LMIA thing starts to really get me on my nerve a bit.
I'm an international student with a bachelor degree from a Canadian sch and I'm from a first-world world-class Asian country. I'm at 421 and recently I'm really anxious to go back without this pr thing.
I feel like I want it because I already have more than a yr of work exp in Canada but less than two yrs. I feel like I should hop on a plane right now and head back to my home country because I don't freaking know when I will be chosen.
Alright ur right: I'm impatient. Yes I'm. I mean if there's a clear time line, say by March 2016, I'll be able to apply, I'll wait here; but no, there's still no guarantee.
And u said it: it's election year again and god knows what Harper will have up his sleeve.
And u mentioned it too: the economy is sloww. And when I mean slow, I mean it's the slowest in the last decade except 2008.
And that's why sometimes I feel like the government doesn't know what they are doing. I mean the economy is so slow that I feel like Canada needs us the graduates more than I need Canada. What the heck am I supposed to do in Canada frankly? Find a job and work for the rest of my life and pay super high taxes for whatever we do here? That's the "Canadian dream" alright. And get ready, with Canadian dollar continues to plummet, strong inflation is coming, well, if Chinese gov doesn't continue to devalue yuan. I'm in my early twenty and I want to do something big and start my own business somehow. In my home country, taxes are almost nonexistent; Its in fact often ranked as the freest trading county in the world. And with my degree from Canada, there's so much opportunities that I can think of, well, at least more than Canada.
Seriously, I'm sooooo willing to get my pr and head back for a lil bit and pay my fair share of taxes to CRA. I'm willing to work in my home country for a lil bit and pay Canada taxes. I wanna explore my options. But this wait is starting to get on my nerves and make me want to give it up altogether. And yes, I am going to say it: it's your loss not mine Canada, you socialist country. And yes, if Canada likes very much its status quo, it doesn't need me. But I feel like with the oil price diving, without us the new immigrants and our skills, Canada will realize they are slacking off a lil bit too much quite soon. Plus the whole world's economy is just showing no sign of recovery just yet.
I think a lot of graduates from other first world countries will give pr up altogether because the wait is indefinite and there's so many unknowns and there's no clear time line for us to plan our most important years of our lives. Trust me, unless there's tie in Canada, Canada is not the most fun and vibrant country in the world for a young educated person in their twenties.
Ok...I'm extremely sorry about my negative, pessimistic, selfish rant, but I feel sooooo good getting all this out of my chest. My plan is to head back and POSSIBLY add some foreign exp points to my score. And there's anyone has any different opinions than mine about Canada's future and express entry, feel very free to convince me the otherwise; I was actually very conflicted until recently

I wish everyone the best on Canadavisa. Ps. There's one super super great thing I'll miss from Canada: it's the super nice and awesome canadians!!!! They are the best people in the world in my own humble opinion.