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Leaving Canada after applying citizenship


Star Member
Aug 16, 2013
dpenabill said:

What you appear to be overlooking is that the statistics clearly show Canada is a country attracting immigrants who stay in Canada.

There are many who leave. But the number who stay is far, far greater.

Many of those who leave came to Canada more interested in a Canadian passport than in becoming an in-fact citizen. The Canadian government has taken steps in recent years to discourage this. The majority of Canadians probably support the government's move in this direction.

For those who do leave, it is mostly about them, not about Canada. No place is for everyone.

So you should understand that when you start a topic to, essentially, insult the land and people you are seeking a huge benefit from (Canadian citizenship and passport) there will be some who are offended, and prone to pushing back, among those who are seeking Canadian citizenship because Canada is the place they want to make their true home, the place they intend to live and work, the place they hope to raise a family, the place in which they want to become a part of the community.

And, after all, going to a party and insulting the host is considered bad manners in most societies.
well said. thank you.


Hero Member
Oct 7, 2014
turboracer said:
Every single person has their own view and their own point of view every human has their Mobility right from an immigrants perspective getting canadian passport might be the main goal but from a Canadians perspective that's different

Thousands are leaving and thousands will when people can't fight with the oppurtunity

I was just checking people's views

I am canadian citizen as of last Thursday

I got my passport and I left canada :) one day might come or not but I left

Thanks folks for your valuable comments

And a message to @ Arambi what do U think an immigrant or a human would be so dumb lol to leave without the citizenship we can come again actually I am living here and I will live forever in canada I want mobility rights

@ Arambi no offence your view and comment was meaningless and worthless lol

Folks thanks for UR views and advices
You have a pretty twisted mind asking two days ago how can get IMM5401 when you in fact completed the process and got even the passport.
I wonder what comments you were aiming to study with that inquiry.


Full Member
Mar 11, 2015
MUFC said:
It seems like when the people are leaving disappointed from Canada, they actually start to achieve more success when they go abroad. So why these people should stay in Canada? Maybe the other Canadians are jealous for their upcoming success when they leave Canada.
Very well said


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2014
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turboracer said:
Every single person has their own view and their own point of view every human has their Mobility right from an immigrants perspective getting canadian passport might be the main goal but from a Canadians perspective that's different

Thousands are leaving and thousands will when people can't fight with the oppurtunity

I was just checking people's views

I am canadian citizen as of last Thursday

I got my passport and I left canada :) one day might come or not but I left

Thanks folks for your valuable comments

And a message to @ Arambi what do U think an immigrant or a human would be so dumb lol to leave without the citizenship we can come again actually I am living here and I will live forever in canada I want mobility rights

@ Arambi no offence your view and comment was meaningless and worthless lol

Folks thanks for UR views and advices
Well, I am glad you know what kind of a person you are. If you are a b!tch and you already gave up, how about STFU and GTFOH?


Full Member
Mar 11, 2015
MUFC said:
Many people are leaving this country after they apply, actually it will be a surprise if the majority is here while their applications are pending.
Good jobs are very difficult to get in Canada and I completely understand your situation.
If I was in your shoes I would do the same like you.
You are absolutely right


Full Member
Mar 11, 2015
MUFC said:
It seems like when the people are leaving disappointed from Canada, they actually start to achieve more success when they go abroad. So why these people should stay in Canada? Maybe the other Canadians are jealous for their upcoming success when they leave Canada.

You are absolutely right


Full Member
Mar 11, 2015
OP_POP said:
Well, I am glad you know what kind of a person you are. If you are a b!tch and you already gave up, how about STFU and GTFOH?

Hey bud come on man every one has their views we as Canadians should not give our wrong impression to the folks in this forum lets not use slangs everyone has their mobility rights my friend

Let's just chill


Star Member
Jun 23, 2014
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Totally agree that it all depends on how you look at things personally. For me no matter which passport you hold where you live, it's how you can contribute the most on the progress of human race matters the most.

Nov 06- 2014

Star Member
Dec 8, 2014
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Everyone is allowed to express his/her opinion as long as there is no offensive approach. I will hold the stick from the middle and say the following;
Immigrants to Canada are generally divided into the groups;
- Group 1 : immigrants who came from places where life in Canada is far better than where they lived ( that includes war/conflicts zones , lack of democracy, short of opportunities, low quality of life, etc.). This group no matter what conditions they face here (good or bad), they will stick as they have no better options.
- Group 2 : Immigrants who came from places where they used to have a very successful life and opted to relocate to Canada hoping that their qualifications and experience they were able to achieve will help them to find a very convenient place for them here. Keep in mind that Canada has always been presented to them as the dreamland and the land of opportunities. Quote from one of the websites
‘Canada is considered as the heaven for migrants. The lifestyle facilities in Canada are equal for people from every race. They give the right of education to every kid by making education free of cost. Their health is first priority so they have made medical facility also free for all the locals and immigrants. The concept of immigration to Canada is increasing day by day”
This group will definitely stay if they get what they were promised. If they don’t then leaving Canada is very candidate option for them.
- Group 3 : immigrants who decided to come to Canada for the sole purpose of getting the passport. The majority of this group will leave after they get what they came here for. Part of this group may stay if things change and become attached by different means such as business commitments, children education, etc. I heard many who came here for the sake of getting the passport and they hooked up here and continued to live in Canada.
- Group 4: this group is very neutral toward this country. They only go where they find better opportunities. This group will settle in Canada if they get better jobs and good quality of life. They are also ready to leave at any time they get better opportunity anywhere else. You see a lot of them move south to USA.
In my opinion, everyone goes through different experience. We can’t prejudge people based on their decision. I was really shocked when I saw a lot of qualified people like doctors and engineers, accountants and IT work on Taxis cabs or in gas stations. Those came here hoping to find a decent life. That didn’t happen despite their struggle to find proper jobs. I won’t blame them if after few years of this hectic life decided to leave to some other place. Keep in mind that people have different capabilities and abilities. This is the nature and we have to accept it.
On another note, I believe that the government of Canada created a deep gap between new comers and the market. They made ‘Canadian Experience’ a roadblock that faces everyone decides to move to Canada. To bridge this gap, they started to fund so many programmes to help them to fit in the new workplace. I went through one of these and seemed to me useless and I had to work so hard in the first month to find a job without any help from those employment agencies.
To conclude this, I would say, Canada plans for the future and they are smart in that. They are not so much concerned about us. They look forward to our children who sooner or later will come to Canada even if their parents decided to leave Canada. They will do that when they grow up holding Canadian nationality. So cool down everyone and don’t take it offensive at all. This country will remain a viable choice for future generations.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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I am just an observer with a neutral opinion about Canada. But I definitely agree with your post Nov 06, 2014 about the general group division.
From my observations my general opinion is that the people who came here in the last 5-10 years are facing really hard times to get to something decent in Canada, and meanwhile everyone seem to do something right to get to their goals, but the goals are still unreachable.
After every year I see how the purchasing power of these people is also getting lower. My general feeling is that Canada will lose the standard it used to have, so in the next 25 years there might be much better opportunities for our kids but not in Canada .


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Nov 06 said:
Immigrants to Canada are generally divided into the groups

. . . immigrants who decided to come to Canada for . . .
Well, for some of us it is as simple as there is a woman to blame.

(Among whom, in turn, there are some who, like me, once here discovered that this is the place.)