hi evry one here really i am lost and i dont know what i can do i am weiting from like 16 months now from the first i send my alication,13 months from the day they recive my application in paris,8 months from the day i had my interview and LIKE 33 months now from the second medical test and olice report...dear friends i really dont know whay it take that long evry thing is ok with me my police reort is so clean i have no prob with the gouverment or any one my medical test is ok but yesterdy my wife get call from her mp to tell her that i need to weit like another 6 month or more because my backround chek is not ok she dont undrestand what dus that mean like i say my police record is so clear and never had prob with gouverment or any one but i have some one of my brother who passed like 5 years in jail because he dont pay some bills and Bank check without balance than that evry thing is ok.so that can be a prob with my application?please i need your respond is urgent i am lost