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lcp owp/pr on process.. still have valid work can i go home?

sarah cunanan

Hero Member
Feb 3, 2010
Job Offer........
my owp and pr application is still on process. 15-16 mos to process and i sent it july 2010. i'm wanting to go back home for a short while while waiting for my owp. there are some personal problems that i have to deal too. would it be a problem? my visa is expired, can someone please give me a link of visa application. ive been searching but most of them are temporary visitor visa or someone who doesn't have a work permit yet. my case is i have a canadian work permit and all i need is a visa to apply to seattle or buffalo before i leave Canada. thanks a lot.


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

sarah cunanan said:
my owp and pr application is still on process. 15-16 mos to process and i sent it july 2010. i'm wanting to go back home for a short while while waiting for my owp. there are some personal problems that i have to deal too. would it be a problem? my visa is expired, can someone please give me a link of visa application. ive been searching but most of them are temporary visitor visa or someone who doesn't have a work permit yet. my case is i have a canadian work permit and all i need is a visa to apply to seattle or buffalo before i leave Canada. thanks a lot.
See: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/visa.asp and you include a copy of your work permit. They are all the same, you need a TRV.


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
Follow the links, but submit the documents indicated on the document checklist.



sarah cunanan

Hero Member
Feb 3, 2010
Job Offer........
thanks everyone. do you think it will not be a problem since i my owp is on process? it is necessary to type in data directly on the form or i can just print it and write on it?


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
I think the visa offices want the app validated so you have to type directly into the form and then print once it is validated (bar code appears). Anyway if you have a valid Work Permit, a letter form your employer (meaning you are employed), and you have a valid TRV, then there's no reason why the POE officer won't let you enter Canada again.

sarah cunanan said:
thanks everyone. do you think it will not be a problem since i my owp is on process? it is necessary to type in data directly on the form or i can just print it and write on it?


Aug 25, 2011
when did you send your re entry visa application? Have you received it already? How many weeks?

sarah cunanan

Hero Member
Feb 3, 2010
Job Offer........
i didn't send the visa application.. anyways, there is someone who name CAMIL in this forum who just got hers.you can pm her and she might help you completing papers too. i think it'll take a month if u apply in seattle. i might be wrong. just check the processing.ciao

sagi girl 17

Jun 1, 2011
hi kricee18,
I posted last August 30,2011 the timeline for how long it took to process the TRV in Buffalo. Mine It took 57 days, Just checked it where I posted in the Forum . I just send the following documents : application for TRV, check list , Letter from my employer, a copy of my work permit & passport. from Toronto to Fort Erie.

akina green

Star Member
Sep 1, 2011
@sagi girl 17: what form did u used? is it the "application for TRV made outside of Canda?" or a diiferent one? thanks a lot. :)