What she can bring with her can be found on the CBSA website. Have a look at this for general information on arriving:
My landing at Pearson went something like this: I was asked to present my passport and Customs Declaration form (you get it on the airplane). The Customs Declaration form was never actually used except to identify me as a new immigrant at the first Customs desk. I was then directed to Immigration, where I presented my Customs declaration form, COPR and passport. The officer asked me some general questions to confirm my identity (name of my spouse, his address, his DOB). He then asked me to confirm 3 things on my COPR by answering the questions on it and initialing my answers in front of him. (Correct spelling of name, address in Canada, presence of any dependents outside of Canada). He then cancelled my visa, stamped the COPR and gave me back the copy without my photograph, explained my residency obligation, and directed me to baggage claims.
In baggage claims, I collected my luggage and was directed to the second Customs desk. There I declared all my accompanying luggage with the B4 form, and all my goods to follow with the B4A. I had prepared these already, so the officer checked them, added the total value of my goods and gave me a receipt. (Please note, I didn't pay anything, this is for tax purposes). After that, it was "Welcome to Canada"!