I landed Yesterday via Air Canada from London to Toronto (Pearson International Airport). The flight experience was terrible specially the check in service, and the food (Muslim Meal). Unfortunately I had a seat with a family who were having a two years kid who cried throughout the flight so couldn't manage to sleep. The entertainment system was too slow and the head phones were not working properly. At the airport procedure was very simple and there was no queue at all. I went to the visitors line and handed over my declaration card (which was provided on board) to the officer. He checked it and put some lines with color marker and asked me to go the immigration area. Where an officer with the name of "Lee" (Who looks like Jet Lee

) checked my COPR & PP. He asked me about the address which I provided him. The he asked me about my wife which I replied that I am single & never married. The next question was "If I do have any children" which replied "Up to my knowledge "None". He smiled and said "Welcome to Canada".
Till that time he had already cancelled the visa and got my signatures on COPR. The next phase was to collect the luggage which reminded me "Air Blue". I waited for the luggage more than one hour but it wouldn't come. Few other passengers were also with me. Latter on the airport staff directed us to a counter to check the status of our luggage. The luggage of the other passengers was left at the London Heathrow and staff provided them the slips for that to collect/deliver it next day. I was fortunate enough that my stuff was boarded on the plane (As the staff checked on his system). They found my luggage in some other area and handed over to me.
The next phase was to go through the customs counter. The lady asked me how much funds I am carrying as I marked on CAD 10,000 or above on declaration card. I told her the amount and she asked me if this is cash or DD and my answer was DD. She asked me to show her and then she put the DD number in her system. She asked me if there is any goods to follow and I said no. She hander over all the documents to me and said "Welcome and you are good to go". I asked her about the service Canada counter and she said that was just pilot based project and closed now. So came out and got the taxi which was arranged for me by a friend and reached at my accommodation.
The weather is perfect here and people are courteous. Thats all for now and will update for the rest on a later stage.