Hi to all Seniors,
Me and my wife will be landing on January of next year and plan to stay there only for 2 weeks. I have some few questions, I hope you guys could help me out.
1. Regarding the goods that we bring, I know that we should be declaring those both that are to be brought during the landing and the ones that are to follow. I plan to buy some jewelry before I leave UAE for good (which is on November next year), is it possible to declare it prospectiveky, if yes, how. I mean, the photos and all.
2. I know january will be one of the coldest month, we plan to buy few winter clothes from here in UAE is it advisable to buy from here or is it cheaper if we buy in Canada? I mean, we can buy a few sets here then buy the others there if its cheaper (sorry but Im just being frugal!

3. Regarding the POF, I am having a citibank account do i need to convert it to a dollar account or its alright to keep it in UAE dirhams and just ask for a bank statement indicating its equivalence in Canadian Dollars? Furthermore, is a bank statement a good form of POF, of course Ill be carrying some cash. I mean should I rely on bank statement or better to bring a demand draft instead?
4. I have been invited to attend a CIIP seminar, what's it all about? (sorry for the ignorance) Will I benefit from it? should we go and attend? Is it compusary.
Im sorry for flooding you with questions some maybe silly but will really appreciate it if you'll give me your feedbacks.
Thanks in advance!