Hello qorax,
thank you very much for your useful and up-dated information.
I'd like to ask you an advise.
My Visa (under spouse class) is ready (it expires in Jan 2014) and, many months ago, I booked a fly to visit my wife in April.
The problem is that at the moment I can't relocate in Canada (maybe it will happen in December 2013) and I'd to know if you raccomand to landing now or wait.
Somebody in this forum suggested me to no wait and landing ASAP.
These are in my opinion the
CONTRO to land now:
- In base how you wrote, the second time (after the landind) that i will entry in Canada I can't bring my personal stuff.
- Many months will have passed without my presence in Canada (PR expires if I will not stay in Canada for at least 2 year of the last 5)
- PR Card (when it will be ready) must be shipped from my wife to me
- Other?
- Landing and forget the application process
What do you think?
And also:
How and when it is better to transfer money from my account bank to a canadian account bank without any type of taxes?
Is it possible to do after the landing? What do you reccomend?
Best regards
