Thank you guys! I had a rough ride but it was so worth it!
My experience here in Canada was a crazy one but its the bumps in the road you have to learn to overcome
My first day crossing the boarder was HORRIBLE!!
We drove for 6 hrs to come here and we called immigration multiple times to make
Sure what we were doing was the correct thing, upon getting to the boarder (with all of my belongings) they
Denied me entry saying we jumped the gun, so I spent 6 HRS in buffalo and had to throw away
95% of my belongings, came back and they accepted my entry, crossing the boarder each time after
Has been a nightmare, being drilled an searched, mind you I'm 22 5'2 and 105 lbs don't know how they can
Possibly think I would be doing some terrible act here!
Sending the application was a breeze, we took our time filled it all out sent the proper documents and away it went, got 2 letters back saying they wanted my work history and past volunteer experiences.
Then got a letter for medical redo and first stage approval,
Then got the final letter for landing interview!!
We applied under family class spousal sponsorship
I find most people (not all) here are very rude to foreigners but I am not here for them so I look past it
Work is hard to find here but you won't get anywhere in life without an education so gotta keep pushing
This place isn't home but it's nice!!
Application sent- September 7,2011
First stage approval- July 7,2012
Second stage approval-October 23,2012

- November 15,2012