I landed at Vancouver and my college is in Regina
It is perfectly fine and easy to immigrate and Canadians
Are not that strict with checking your stuff as well.
Having said that it does not mean you try doing something illegal
Because we all are coming here to study
It only meant to take it cool , carry less cloths and more ready food
Specially those who are vegetarians
Immigration ; it is quite simple but as I was in the queue I realised
Asians get nervous and start telling about themselves. Non Asians talk
Less and point to point and hence they don't like it.
Just hand over your passport and keep your letter of acceptance from university
In your hand along with the letter that you get from the embassy.
The officer will ask you where are you going just tell him the name of your university
Let him ask you about your course and then answer . Please remember the adrss of your university
They want students to know where exactly they have to go