Chukie, these are black mango, please come and help yourself! LOL. I am a big Julie and East Indian mango fan myself, but only in moderation. If it was an apple tree now! I would be up in there with my salt shaker and a knife, mwahaha!!
Kc, I can't believe a whole month has gone by already, wow! The grow so quickly, don't they? I can't believe how big my nephews were when I saw them 3 weeks ago, a year had brought so many changes to them! You take your eyes off them for a day or two, suddenly they gain 5 pounds and start walking, LOL.
Canuck, I say, when you are done all that work, perhaps you'd like to come over and help my hubby with his Florida room project?

You sound very busy, LOL. Congrats to Mrscanuck on the new job! All the best to her, I bet she's excited.
Proper, just keep the faith, all things in their "proper" time.
Lonely_wife, good luck on the courses, I know you'll do fine.