Good Night all....
For those asking, baby is doing well... she is a little monster though - she ever a kick and her favourite thing to do is to use my ribs as a jungle gym

87 days to go, I am now 27 weeks and 4 days.. Saturday will be 28 weeks and then the real countdown is on... Picked out the name.. Tiana Marie

We love it and are sticking to it, so i dont feel a way about sharing it now!
Sick, you should go to Sunrise on Yonge just north of College, or go to Ritz, they have two locations, One at the corner or College n Yonge and the other across from the Eaton Center on Yonge. Thats where I go when I want fast food style jamaican Food when we are on the the road... They have everything you could crave there.. If I remember correctly you are over near Spadina? if so, then there is a Ackee Tree resturant on Spadina which is decent too for Caribbean food.
LCW, long time... true say we will all go through the rough patch(s) with finally being reunited with Hussy/Wifey and working on married life is tough...
Heck, Immigration or not a marriage is something that needs to be worked on constantly and is a never ending rollercoaster rides, with a few unexpected turns and loops you never saw coming... none of us are naturally gifted in the area of being a perfect person, let alone a perfect husband or wife, son, daughter, friend, collegue, ray ray ray... I had no clue about the trials and tribulations or to what extect you were going through, but know we all go through it some way or another... I know for me, most of the kinks and stuff that most people sort out before marriage we dealt with after hubby immigrated here... having never lived together full time before coming wasnt easy... I look back and thought that the 8 Months Immigration wait, and the 2 years spent apart was rough (totally not minimilizing anything that the people who are still waiting are going through) but the managing, adjusting, reasoning, understanding, changing, adapting, morphing, and everything that is involved of two totally different worlds, cultures, languages, lifestyles, broughtupsy, views, morals, everything of two different people coming together for me was extremly challenging to say the least... Aint no mountain High Enough though - I take the good with the bad and thank God every day for the things I have!! Enough Preaching LOL... Night Night everyone.