Hi all !
Been out of commission and sooo busy lately I have not had time to hop on here and get updated with everyone to see how things are going.
For us, after a nightmare with flights (they booked hubbys flight correct and assured ours were correct - for nov 25th but booked hubby in on nov 25th and the rest of us on dec 25th :,( so after more cost and finding this out the night before we flew out we got it fixed!), we returned home during wee hours of Nov 26th. We came off the plane and went through all security and customs as a family ( I filled out the forms on the plane specifically so that I did not have to wait with three kids alone with all luggage and still not feeling 100%) and everything went soooo smoothly and we were out very quick! My sister being 8 months preg and my dad picked us all up and were very excited and preggers being emotional

we came home had a couple hours sleep then headed back in to town and surprised my mom at her work and alot of tears were shed by family, my mom and her coworkers even lol. Time has been "weird" at home with nothing to worry about with paperwork-we feel lost!! But on Sunday my sister(who was pregnant) had a pain in her stomach so I went up to get her checked at hospital and sure enough she was in labour (4 weeks early) and I got to witness it all!! My first niece was born on my side ;D I sure am one proud auntie!!!! So with that keeping us busy we have also filed for health card and sin card and hubby starts a new job monday! The farm he was on previous were slave drivers so it is very exciting! Life is coming into place soo well and with the help of prayers and God all things are possible! Keep your faith all whom are still waiting for sure. Everything truly does happen for a reason and we learned this time and time again over the past couple months.
A weight is lifted off our shoulders and we are taking things as they come because hey, if we can make it through this dreaded process we can make it through anything!!
Thanks be to God and to everyone on this forum! :-*