I live in PEI and couldn't get all the way to JA to meet up with hubby like we had always planned, so we decided to meet in Toronto and fly back to PEI together. So Monday, Dec 1 he had a huge farewell with his Mom and 3 of his brothers and his sister and his best friend at the airport and he was there 2.5 hours early and was at the front of the line - BUT he got a trainee and he wouldn't let him go through without a printed off Itinerary - so Mr. Parkin was like "my wife said all I would need is this passport!" and the trainee was like 'call your wife make her send it to you for proof etc" and he was trying to reach me but I was in the air and he called my family and they didn't have it and he was starting to worry because he was the LAST one left, everyone else in the line got through and he was still there and finally a senior worker comes up and says 'whats the hold up' and Trainee explained and the Senior says "LET THE MAN THROUGH, Can't you see he's an Immigrant?!?!!" and they apologized over and over and sent him to security (where he kept his phone in his pocket and buzzed, of course!) then he messaged me saying "I just went through the X-ray machine!!!!! I'm RUNNING for the gate now baby, see you in Toronto!!! -- which is the BEST message you could receive after getting so many "baby, call me, I need my Itinerary, they ain't letting me on baby" that preceded that! ???
He was the FIRST person to go through immigration upon reaching TO and they just asked him if he'd travelled anywhere with Ebola, and how long he was staying and he said "I'm here to live with my wife forever" and the officer said "Oh!! Congratulations! Welcome to Canada!" and off he went! advised him to do SIN card in PEI etc. He turned that corner and our eyes met immediately and we just ran to each other and it was an amazing moment!
I had a coat and hat and mitts ready but he refused the gloves saying "I know it's going to get worse, I need to get used to it" then we waited outside for our shuttle that was supposed to take 10 -15 minutes and took 50!! he regretted no mitts lol!
The next day THOR picked us up at the Hotel and we 3 met up with Nini for lunch, and it was incredible!! Such a nice time together and there were some flurries and Mr. Parkin was like "First time stepping in Sah-now!" and stomped his foot down on the 3 or 4 flurries on the ground! Then we were off again to the airport for our flight to PEI! We got ourselves some Timmies and relished in the fact that we were travelling TOGETHER for the first time! We snuggled on the plane and both had a much needed cat-nap, complete with snoring and drool - it was so romantic..

and lucky for us upon THIS landing we got to experience a whole other landing reaction from my friends and family, probably 30-40 people, who were all waiting for us with Banners and cheers!!! It was a HUGE welcome home for him and he said on the way home "that. was. Awesome."
Our first night together in our home - it was so surreal -- we are still flying high! All the stress of just weeks ago is a distant memory and all we are focusing on is our bright future together. We are so blessed to have found each other and Mr. Parkin said to me last night as we were falling asleep - "You were made for me, this is what we've been longing for and God is so good!" Wow, to hear that and be in his arms knowing that we are on the other side of this process is indescribable. We spent yesterday driving around town a bit getting some household things and we went into the hardware store and he was in HEAVEN! kept saying "I'm going to go over here Ok? I'm going to get one of these one day...I can't believe it's all right here at our fingertips! we can pick, choose and refuse!!"
I can't remember who mentioned it lately, but when your home begins to smell of your hubby's cologne, it makes a person emotional! That scent is more intoxicating then ever before...this morning I was getting ready for work and saw his dirty socks in the laundry bin with mine and I started to giggle. I must be exhausted or something, but even that is fun right now!!
I better go, it's lunchtime and my dad just picked him up and they are heading to my work so we can all go meet my dad's mother!! All the best everyone! I can't wait for you all to have this experience!!
XOXO Mr. & Mrs. P