Good morning Good morning JamFam, (By the time I proof read lol! It is now afternoon)
First I must say "Thank You" to Nev, Chickie, LDH, CeCe Belle, THOR, O&O, C&T & anyone else I may have forgotten for all the shout outs, prayers, and kind words. Mr. DG and I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Second, Congratulations on all the movement, PPRs, landings, in process, request for additional documentation, and any positive responses from Kingston.
Third, Welcome back to all the wives/husbands that recently came back from visiting their loved ones. I swear they should just make a reality serious of airport good byes and why not add this process (would make for some good TV). Bon voyage and safe travels to those who recently left or will be leaving soon. Please all I ask is to bring some much needed warmth back to Canada. This winter is beyond ridiculous.
Kingston, your momentum has been really awesome these last few weeks please keep up the great work. Spring is near (I really hope) and no better time than to start a new life when new life is in the air. Hoping for another eventful week!!!
Stay Sweet as Always!!!