josephine196901 said:
I am so missing my husband and Jamaica ............ tomorrow is my second year wedding anniversary, hard to believe such a long wait to be with hubby. I hope it is soon over. :'(
Special prayers for Josephine, chickie, DG and all of you feeling the pain of missing anniversaries, birthdays, surgeries, wedding, funerals, births, Christmas and other holy days, it will eventually get better. Please stay encouraged by faith,
especially on the days you think it will never end - IT WILL END!!! Suddenly and joyfully, it will end. Hubby and I missed 95% of these things with each other for the first 6.5 years of our relationship and although God saw fit for us to have a quick immigration process once we filed (8 months start to finish via the POS VO) we had been apart as a couple for most of our time together and at one point for 18 months when we could not even visit. So when we started the process and of course had no idea how long it would take at that point, we feared we might even be apart for 7 or 8 years before we could be together in Canada.
Like most of you, me moving to Trinidad was not an option (due to family matters, jobs, finances etc.) so we endured the wait. It was hard on both of us and there were a few times where our relationship/marriage was on the edge barely surviving - but we did and all of you will as well. With grace and prayers and mercy and the support of positive people here and in the other areas of your lives. Expect that there will be times when you will want to just toss the whole thing away, sometimes you, sometimes your spouse; however as any married couple will tell you, that will happen occasionally when you are both together for good on the same soil in the same country

!! May blessings of comfort be extra present in all of your lives when you need them.