
NAE! CHELLEY! SHERAIG!! OMG, how cool to see you guys and thank you all so much!! Thanks to LHNB, Basha, suki, BIYTC, SheriB, Keishaycarr, everyone! OMG, thank you all so much.
I would like to say I am very excited to be going home to my husband, it was a long road, but I learned so much along the way, did so many things I was blessed to have the opportunity to do, and I made some friends I hope to keep in the long-term, that I cannot say it was all bad. Now that it is past and it is time to look forward to the next phase, I can honestly attest to what Nae-nae said, I don't think much about it anymore. Yes, even after one day, it is past, it is over, and it doesn't matter anymore so much as what is coming.
Kym, your marriage officer was supposed to be the one to register your marriage with the Registrar General's Department! I cannot believe they didn't do so, that is shocking. Give them a good piece of your mind! I hope you get the documents tomorrow and get everything sorted for hubby's home-coming!