Hi everyone. I was hesitant about posting my landing story as I didn't know if I would further upset people still waiting but reading other people's landing stories brought me so much joy,hope,and excitement so I'm gonna share our story. **Disclaimer** this post is not intended to brag,boast, or upset anyone we just genuinely wish to share our story.***
Soooo hubby arrived last night. I was running late!!! Had to make sure my legs were well shaved hair nice and neat, and everything else on point. Make sure the house was clean,cozy, and smelling good lol so I left home what I thought was late but turns out the flight was delayed about 25 mins and I figured he would take a while to get through immigration. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole entire time could not belive this was finally happening. My hubby is the baby of his family so everyone started calling me asking if he had arrived his whole family was worried . I stood in the airport and as I started seeing people come through the doors with boxes of rum I knew it wouldn't be long. I can't describe the feeling those of you who have been there before me know what I mean and those of you who are up next will soon know. Not long after the doors opened and there he was!!! I had to look twice he had a new haircut lol! Biggest smile on our faces as we rushed to meet each other. We gave each other a big hug and big kiss and both said "Thank God". Turns out he had a friend on his flight who sort of guided him through which I am grateful for as hubby was a little nervous. He introduced me to his friends. We got him a coffee (Tim's ofcourse). Then we headed home. He said he wasn't cold and didn't need to put on the coat I bought him hahaha can u belive he was okay in his sweater. Lol it is Amazing having him here it is so strange and surreal. I woke up a million times throughout the night just looking at him in disbelief he was really here. Today we did some walking outside he was cold and wore his jacket and even put the hood up lol. But he says not to bad. It was so great having him here to do things like the grocery shopping which we did today and we went to the mall. We are now making a late dinner together well he's doing all the work I'm just talking. Mmmm steam fish and crackers hubby is a greatttt cook. Oh yea he said the process at the airport was easy they asked to confirm his address they asked his parents names they asked my phone number and they asked what he was bringing. He signed some papers did the SIN and was given a welcome to Canada package and some information. He said the flight was okay other than take off he hated that part felt he was gonna pass out. Poor thing....so that's our story. We are both praying for everyone that we can hear some more landing stories very soon!!!! Let's please try to keep the peace and unity going on this thread. It's difficult for everyone. Yes we think we know what we are getting into but my dad always says "5 different sisters 5 different minds" or something like that. So essentially we have all gone thru the same process with some variation we will all handle it differently. Let's just try Continue to be supportive.

hubby says keep praying that's what got him thru!