Okay so I have two bets, one based on date applied and the next based on how I think Kingston processes PR applications
So my 1st bet is based on date:
Impatient Girl- Nov 2013
Mrs. BAngel-Nov 12, 2014
Hubbys Wifey-Nov 12, 2014
Stortyp2000- Dec 17, 2014
Torontoblues-jan 17, 2015
Iijasha-jan 21, 2015
MrsMcLaughlin- Feb 17, 2015
MixedChick92- March 20, 2015
My 2nd bet is based on spouse's (applicants) last name first letter:
Mrs. BAngel-->B
Shortyp2000--> M
Roxie-->N (waiting on background check/clearance as she has lived already in Canada)
HubbysWifey-->L (she is after Roxie because she is waiting for RCMP)
Iijasha--> S
Mixedchick-->G (is last because she has to wait until the alphabet starts over)
*this is only a guess*
**I think Kingston has 3 different queues: inventory, waiting/holding (waiting for documents to process), and finalization (thus alphabetical order is relevant for filing....idunno just a guess and based on how the stats are on the spreadsheet, it looks like they do alphabets and the year applied...so those in 2014 get processed in alphabetical order, unless something is missing then their file goes on hold, then 2015... and so on and so on...also circumstances and background checks play a large role in processing time... again just a guess based on spreadsheet.
***as well I don't know everyone's circumstance but anyhow here is my guess!!! 8) 8) 8)
Goodluck to all!!! showering of IP and DM to all!!! *censored word* I cant wait until this process over....
Its my 1 yr anniversary since marriage on July 13th and I will not be spending it with hubby

:'( well maybe by this year we will spend other holidays together!!!

;D <3 my love''<3