Hey guys,
Just thought I would pass by and say hi and tell you a little something I found out last week.
I wrote to my MP wanting assistance with my file. I was unaware that when my MP writes to them it is basically just another email that they are sending enquiring about my application. For some reason I thought they were doing something special in order to get information but I guess I was wrong or naive :

. I wrote Kingston about 2weeks prior to contacting my MP. I have not written to them since June 2013 so I thought nothing of it. Of course Kingston replied to me with the same generic email telling me nothing has changed...
When my MP got a response from Kingston, she called me saying I need to stop emailing them because they have all rights to throw my application to the side or put it in the "back of the file" because I am emailing too much. I advised her that I do not write often and that I did not know that writing to Kingston (as we are told we are supposed to do when we have questions or concerns) it could cause issues with my file. We had a long discussion and I told her that we pay for a service and its like we get no answers! Next month will be 21mths since I have been waiting for my hubby. :-\
I asked her why some applications take 6mths and others will take 21mths... She really had no explanation saying it could be many reasons such as background checks (ex. My husband could have the same name as someone on the Most Wanted list and they would have to take a deeper look into his background to make sure he is not the person they are looking for). She also said it could be the complexity of the application or it could just depend on the officers assigned to my application. She really didn't give me any information I didn't already know but she did advice me to make sure I DO NOT write to them anymore. She said they do not like this because it takes away time from processing applications and I am not the applicant and so it is not my concern to keep writing regarding the application. I don't understand why they reply to my email if they have an issue with me writing to them!LOL I also don't understand why its such an issue to write emails to ppl that have been waiting for 21mths as long as we are not harassing them (which I have not done, nor have I been rude in any of my emails).
I am not someone who has written to Kingston very often but she said if there are too many enquiries, they could also shut my MP out and not allow her to enquire about my application. This process sure isn't fair but I just thought I would share my story, just as a warning to others.
Hope everyone is doing well today! Stay positive and hopefully Kingston will give us some great news this week!!!!! ;D