Kadi27 said:
Congrats Cafelatte on your AOR

. Currently the sheet doesn't have a column for that but I added it in the notes
Thanks a lot Kadi27! I was trying to find some other sponsors living in Quebec on this KG tread, but couldn't find any. I guess I'll be one of the first to start some sort of statistics
I booked my flight to JA today! In one month from now I'll be in my hubby's arms on his B'day. I'll arrive in early morning so I'll be able to spoil him with lots of love, good food and probably some delicious cup cakes on this very special day. We spoke often today, we're so excited, just can't wait!!!
He went to PICA in Kingston today, to get some information about the procedure and the details on how to sponsor me this time. We want to have double citizenship eventually in order to be allowed to work and live back and forth in both countries. We want to start a family as soon as he gets here or just about to, and I have pretty much at heart that our child gets immersed in both cultures. My husband's can't wait to become a daddy, I hope that it won't be too long to put ourselves to work
I hate winter even if I was born in Montreal, so it will be great to fly away whenever it's possible when winter comes.
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience about Jamaican immigration? Thanking you in advance for your help.
I wish you all a very Friday the 13th end of night and a great week-end!