Hey Forum Family,
big apologies for taking so long to update you guys. Hubby had me on bedroom lockdown ;D ;D ;D
hope everyone is doing well?
Ali a big congrats to you that hubby's got that shiny visa in hand.Looking forward to your landing story ;D
LWU woot woot happy that hubby landed safely and what a wonderful landing story that was
As for me, having hubby here has been so great. From the time I picked him up from the Airport its been nothing but niceness" him no want let me go"... I'm loving every minute of it
He arrived on Saturday, flight and immigration process went through very smoothly. He landed at 2:55 and was out by 3:45. All they kept on saying to him was welcome to Canada ;D
We kept a welcome home BBQ for him. Apart from hubby coming home the highlight of the night was watching our little boy saying daddy daddy daddy every minute. It was the cutest thing ever.
Right now I feel like nothing in this world can bother me now because my family is complete.. A pure niceness, even now while I am typing a nothing but smiles ;D ;D
On monday he got his SIN and we opened a joint bank account. He starts work on Tuesday. So tings a roll fast.
Big thank you to the Almighty and of course you guys..
You guys are all amazing in your own ways.. This process can be overwhelming and you all were here for me with much encouragments.
Trust me, I can't wait for everyone to get through this process and get this feeling.. It's like I am on a constant high...
You all keep the faith because the best is yet to come
Stay positive and stay bless ;D ;D