CharlieD10 said:Good morning! Well I see the conversation went on long past my bedtime, but it I think everyone agrees with me it was a good and necessary one! Thanks to SQ for kicking that off and getting the ball rolling, I think you opened some of us to think of things we hadn't considered before! That's one of the good things about a forum such as this one!
I'm going to be a bit presumptuous and speak for the applicants (since I am one of the few...wait...maybe the only one here right now?) and say that though we might not bring it up, a lot is going through our minds when it comes to migrating. Absolutely there is the anticipation of finally living full-time with our spouses and not having to wake up and say goodbye one of these mornings. But there's more..there's, will I be able to find work I can do, what about making friends, how much more education am I going to need to adapt and can I hack it after being out of school for 10/20 years, what about going back for visits and sending money and to whom, what if I don't like the city/town, just how cold is cold?! Things of that nature run through your head all the time.
I once jokingly asked my husband, do people in your town (small town in northern ON) even know what a black person looks like? He said, don't be silly honey, we'll be the fourth inter-racial couple in town.I thought, how marvelous, all of 3 other black people! Hahaha. You get my point though, it's the weird little things that can really throw you for a loop when you think about picking up your entire life, leaving behind everything and everyone you've ever known and starting over again, from scratch! That is why it is so important to make sure that your home is a haven for your spouse to come home to, that there are things in it that are familiar and keep them anchored until they are ready to immerse themselves into Canadian life.
Whew, OK, that was a lot for this morning! I hope everyone has a great day! KG, over to you, let's GO!! NNNNNEEEXXXTTTT!!!![]()
Man, I could have made this post, when my husband and I were apart and he was living in Prince George, he would call me and give me what I call the black report, I saw a pretty black girl today, or I found a place where you can get your hair done. I stayed in PG for 6 mos. and the highlight of my time there was the Caribbean section in the Canadian Superstore.
And I just tolerate the cold, I grew up in New York, but I love the heat. That's the Jamaican in me. Thanks for this discussion! I LOVE HOCKEY THOUGH!!! ever since Miami got a team I have been a fan.