Many good points were made. I am not going to argue with them.
Ruka, you are asking me almost personal questions. If I replied to them you may have advice for me, which, I have no doubt will be good. But I already know the pitfalls of my situation. Most engineering jobs are in Ontario and I moved out of there. Currently I am in a small community will little opportunities in the best of times and right now high unemployment. This does not mean what I have been writing about is not true, though.

Before I moved, I had almost a year, during which I had a number of interviews. Sometimes I would go through two interviews for the same job, without getting an offer. It was really odd, considering that my first engineering job in Canada came after my very first interview and at the time I had no professional Canadian experience.
To the guy who asked about the cost of starting a business: There are government programs that can assist you in starting a business. Please keep this in mind. There may be some requirements though, like having worked in the past and having either an active EI claim or an EI claim made in the past 3 years. Those programs are really good, as they will teach you a few things you may not know, plus you will get some money regardless of how much your business makes. To start a business right away you must have very good information on the local competitors, customers, rates and where you stand in all of this. The cost, as it was said, would depend on the type of business and how you would like to start - as home based or renting a store front. Incorporating a business in Canada would cost you about $500. To register a name you pay about $30 and to register the business under this name you pay another $40. If you stop at this point, you will have a sole proprietorship for $70. You will get a lot of tax advantages by having a business.
Trinatocanada, your post and ideas are good. However, Canada is supposedly proud with its multiculturalism. If that is the case, I see no reason why I have to change the way I say "Hi" just to make somebody like me better. If we are so eager to accept the culture (or the lack of it), bit by bit there will be nothing left of us.