Hi,AOR: 8 June
MP: Not passed yet
BGC: NA : 10 July
Getting kinda worried about the not yet passed medical.
NigeriaHey! Could you let me know which is your country of residence? I believe it has been a determining factor for most applications timeline.
Hi Andy,Hi Guys,
Starting thread for those who have AOR in June 2017 - please join for discussion and knowledge sharing.
There is already a watsapp group for June AOR - please leave a request (dont share number, just a request saying: add me to watsapp) and i will send you an invite link.
Below I will post some information which you may find useful, this is based on the data pool of about ~500 PPRs covering period from Mid-2015 - to present day
Hi .... Pls anyone tell me average time between....
NA2- IP2 : 20 to 45 Days
IP2 - PPR0 to 15 Days
Shouldn't be a worry Karthik.Please suggest me what to do now
Can anyone tell me when should i expect the good news? On an average, You are still 45-60 days away from PPR.
When and what could be the next update? Your BG will change to "Background Check in Progress".
Thanks for your reply. But have you seen anyone with this scenario and got PRShouldn't be a worry Karthik.
But have you seen anyone with this scenario and got PR? I can't give you a live example for this. Please check with others if you are worried about this. And raise a CSE with an explanation for this.