Just got back from my medical exam, thought I'd make a comment here just for others so they know what to expect.
Booked a 10am with the only panel physician in my city. Nice guy, and on time. Had to give a urine sample first. The doctor took my photo and my passport, then spent 10 minutes uploading them to eMedical. (Some places you have to bring photos if they don't use emedical - ask!)
Then into the exam room where he asked me questions, such as prior illness, meds, addictions, etc. Then he checked my ears/mouth/eyes, which took like 2 minutes. Then he had me lie down and he pressed on my stomach in a few places, asking if I felt pain. I didn't, and we were done. Didn't even have to undress, though YMMV in that regard.
His clinic didn't do bloodwork or x-rays, so he gave me requisitions to get them done. I paid him for the appointment ($200) and went to get bloodwork. He is doing a serum creatinine test, which worried me at first, but I overheard the lab techs mention "why does this guy
always get us to do this one?" while pointing to the creatinine checkbox. Her colleague said she didn't know, but "he's been doing it a lot lately". So hopefully he's just being cautious (probably cuz I'm a fat bastard

) They took 3 vials (one for each of the tests presumably). Ezpz.
Then to the x-ray place, which cost me another $100. Had to get it re-done because I was too tall for where the machine was set. Double dose of ionizing radiation for me, yay!
So that's the medical process, at least in my experience. Now to let my hypochondria run rampant over the weekend while results come in (he said he'd call if there was anything abnormal).